Ripping optimization with sense and purpose
In the R version of the CombiScan Sense, WEINIG has further increased the efficiency of its scanner technology for ripping applications. The two-dimensional optimization of the boards allows recovery to be significantly improved. Cross-cutting optimization is already predicted during the ripping optimization. Cross-cut scanners and rip scanners therefore work together in this instance.
With its enhanced 2D optimization, the CombiScan Sense R represents an outstanding upgrade for your rip saw. Optimization according to both width and end-product significantly improves ripping decisions. Manual, laser-controlled width optimization simply cannot compete with the potential of this system.
Simple optimization is the key to efficient production. The high-performance optimization software allows a variety of qualities and zones to be created and combined into multiple end products. The products and qualities are stored in a database and can be selected at any time via drag and drop. The logical user interface of the scanner simplifies settings in a visual way providing simple operation for all.
The sensor options are shared with the successful CombiScan Sense C, meaning that the CombiScan Sense R also has a wide range of sensors and options. Shape measurement and the random width module are factory-fitted as standard with the CombiScan Sense R. Owing to the nature of ripping, image detection and optimization are only performed on the top and bottom sides.
Ripping optimization explained simply
Step 1: LuxscanLine scanners are based upon various sensors, such as laser and color cameras or X-ray. Your WEINIG expert will define the right sensors and the best combination of these, harmonized with wood types, surface properties and customer requirements. Our objective is to achieve the best possible quality of information for the required application.
Step 2: Image processing is handled by the highly sophisticated OptiCore software. This detects and identifies defects as well as color deviations on the board. The ideally adapted sensor data ensures optimal data processing and defect detection.
Step 3: Optimization via the high-performance OptiCore software calculates the best solution during ripping. In doing so, it takes into account the various customer requests and requirements. Based upon the precise board data calculated during image processing, the board is optimized in accordance with customer requirements. This allows a virtually unlimited number of qualities and products to be defined. Thus, even complex products can be ideally optimized. This allows the creation of almost any type of end product.