The company Siegfried Kolhbacher was founded in Von Hindenburg Avenue in Berchtesgaden on 21 September 1992 where Mr. Kolhbacher started sharpening Metal Band Saws for the wood industry. In the following years Mr. Kolhbacher began designing and constructing his own machines for sharpening and producing Band Saws. They specialize in automatic stellite tipping, frame & band saw sharpeners, profile grinders and side dressing machines etc.
Overall specifications are:
- Anealing with gas or inductive;
- Built-in diamond tipped wheel dresser;
- Driving wheel is direct driven which eliminates vibrations and “deep pass” operations is possible;
- Frequency converter for adjustable grinding wheel speed;
- Saw blade carriages (blades varying from 5m to 14m);
- Servo motor with absolute encoders (no re-setting of machinery is necessary after a power failure);
- Tooth profile and grinding wheel is programmed with a laptop.